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Cool Ideas For Coffee Bar Floating Shelves

Cool Ideas For Coffee Bar Floating Shelves

Ben Kuhl

Cool Ideas For Coffee BarFloating Shelves

If you're a coffee lover (read coffee nut) - or even someone who appreciates
sharing an invigorating, satisfying cup of coffee when you host friends and family
get-togethers at your home - you would enjoy having a dedicated space for
storing, displaying, and using your favorite coffee-making and serving essentials.
In fact, as an ardent lover of coffee, consider a home coffee bar that expresses
your love for the drink and your personal design aesthetic. Home coffee bars are
popular, some having all the bells and whistles of public coffee shops on a more
intimate scale.

If you're looking for the best coffee bar floating shelves, we have a variety of
different options to choose from:

Fantastic Ideas for Coffee Bars

If you're getting your first coffee bar at home or on the verge of sprucing up the
one you already enjoy, a coffee bar with floating shelves can be perfect for your
needs. They save prime counter space and add flair to your design. Take a look at these five fantastic ideas for coffee bar floating shelves.

Chalkboard Wall Displays

If you have a flair for art, you can turn your coffee station into a weekly art gallery.
This can be done by applying black paint to the portion of the wall just above the
shelves and using a range of colored chalks to draw different visual designs on
the darkened walls. These images can range from coffee cups with vapor rising
into the atmosphere to purple dragons sitting around a coffee table playing a
game of chess. Or perhaps, you can use white chalk on your coffee station
chalkboard to write the day's flavors so family members or guests know the
coffee options available at the bar.

Coffee Mug Rack

Wood floating shelves are the perfect solution for storing coffee mugs. In fact,
they accomplish the dual service of storage and décor, as the mugs hang safely
on secure hooks above the danger of breakage, while they simultaneously can
provide a touch of color or artistic flair to the nook. Another fun option of a cool
Another excellent option for the coffee mug aesthetic is to hang coffee mugs
with stylized names of family members that drink coffee. A third mug-style
option is coffee mugs with inspirational sayings and quotations. This little touch
can be an additional pick-me-up along with the person's favorite coffee blend.

Modern Coffee Nook

Are you looking for a modern twist to your coffee bar? You can borrow from the
latest architectural shapes and appliance design blends to spruce up your coffee
bar. Your coffee bar designer will be able to use industry techniques to bring a
measure of sophistication to lines and angles that make your coffee bar a
conversation starter.

Another item that will create a modern angle is outfitting your coffee nook with
the latest coffee makers, including espresso machines, high-speed milk frothing
gadgets, and a range of the newest home bar-type appliances.

Where to Place Your Coffee Bar

Consider placing your coffee bar in your kitchen, a small nook in your dining
room, or even your home office. If you have a tiled or paved backyard space,
consider placing your coffee bar outdoors where you can enjoy nature. There are
no rules about where you can set up your home coffee bar as long it is well-
outfitted with all the elements you need.

The only rule for the coffee bar you have in mind is to enjoy your favorite brand
and blend of coffee that makes you feel on top of the world every day.

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